Download AutoHotkey for free. The ultimate automation scripting language for Windows. AutoHotkey is a free, open-source scripting language for Microsoft Windows that allows users to automate any desktop task. Create simple to complex scripts to automate tasks that include form fills, autoclicker, macros, and more. Make Windows PC's shortcut act like macOS (Mac OS X) With this AutoHotKey script, you can use most macOS style shortcuts (eg, cmd+c, cmd+v.) on Windows with a standard PC keyboard. You shouldn't change the modifier keys mapping with keyboard DIP. This script assumes you use a standard PC keyboard layout, and wish to use shortcuts as if it. Support for mac-darwin-i386, mac-darwin-x8664 and mac-darwin-ub applications; Very fast decompression: 210 MB/sec on an AMD 2500+ Strip sensitive information (relocation, debug information, exceptions, etc.) Compression of program code, data, and resources; Completely transparent, self-contained operation with UNICODE support.
Question or issue on macOS:
This question has been asked before but with no answer. I’m running into brick walls with google too. Program can either be free or paid.
How to solve this problem?
Solution no. 1:
Keymando – $19, 30-day free trial. Uses Ruby as its scripting language.
IronAHK will run AHK scripts, but for its GUI it requires I don’t believe it can automate regular Mac apps.
Solution no. 2:
What is is you’re trying to do?
IronAHK should work on a Mac – I’m not a Mac user so I’ve not tried it, but that would be my first choice for trying to get AutoHotkey scripts working. lists a few Mac OS alternatives to AutoHotkey. The top result there is Project SIKULI which looks pretty similar to AHK in terms of features but with a different scripting language.
Solution no. 3:
Quicksilver can be a partial solution for some functionality of autohotkey: it has shortcut key/trigger defining capabilities. For text expansion, mas os has text expansion built in.
On the other hand, applescript/automator is the mac os native solution for some automation tasks.
Solution no. 4:
Take a look at Butler. Free to try, $20 to buy.
Auto Hot Key For Mac
I haven’t yet found an open source tool for Mac like AHK.
Auto Hot Key Installer
Solution no. 5:
I currently use KeyRemap4MacBook which is greati for key mappings, including chords of keys. It doesn’t have a scripting language though. Keyboard Maestro seems a popular option with some scripting support (I have not tried it myself though).
Solution no. 6:
No one’s mentioned Quicksilver – free utility with tons of plugins for extendability.