I ran into an interesting (read: frustrating) problem this week at work. I was wanting to install a Linux VM so that I could do some testing on a few applications, as well as use it as an excuse to improve on my pathetic Vim skills (you can find my very basic .vimrc on my Github). So I headed on over to Ubuntu.com, downloaded the latest version of Ubuntu Server, and was about to get started.
Hi, I use Windows 10 1511 64-bit. I installed the latest VirtualBox 5.0.10 r 104061. When I run VirtualBox, I see only 32-bit operating systems for choice available. In BIOS Intel Virtualization is enabled, Hyper-V in Windows 10 isn't installed. When running the installation of VirtualBox again, choosing Repair, afterwards I can see also 64-bit.
I then thought to myself, “How do I want to virtualize this?”
“Oh! I’ll just use vCenter and create a quick dev box. Well, no, actually, I don’t want to do that. I want to keep this separate from everything else, since it’s just a test machine.”
Then I thought to myself, “Maybe I’ll just use Hyper-V on my local machine. That’ll be easy.” I went into the “Programs and Features” and enabled Hyper-V. Then, I got sidetracked and finally thought, “Nah, that’s too much work. I’ll just download VirtualBox.”
Virtualbox Windows 10 64 Bit
When trying to create a Virtualbox VM recently I was only presented with the option of creating a 32-bit client. After a bit of research it turns out this can be caused by incorrect settings in the BIOS or by a competing Virtual Machine software cohabiting the system. First of all your CPU must support the virtualization extensions. By the way, I’m running Windows 7 64-bit on my laptop (I also have Windows 8.1/10 on my desktop) and I had the same issue: only 32-bit options showed up in VirtualBox. Since I was running Windows 7, that pretty much instantly ruled out Hyper-V as a problem and I was also 100% sure that all virtualization settings were enabled in BIOS.
I installed VirtualBox, no problem. I then added the Ubuntu Server VM, configured it quickly, and was up in no time. Piece of cake.
Two days later, I had a little bit of downtime at work, so I figured I’d mess around with the VM a little bit more. I opened up VirtualBox, and was greeted with this beautiful message:
What on earth had happened?! I hadn’t changed anything since then and now! Naturally, I resorted to my GoogleFu for the answer. Results turned up pretty quickly, actually. Everyone on the internet had mentioned to enable Virtualization in your BIOS. That couldn’t be it, though, because it was working fine before. Plus, why would I have had that turned off in the first place, anyway? I figured I’d give it a shot anyway, just to be sure. After restarting my computer, I found that Virtualization was already enabled through my BIOS.
Still very frustrated, I figured that I would just delete the VM and start from scratch, since I hadn’t really done anything to it yet. After deleting the VM, and trying to re-add it, I was greeted with another issue. Even though I’m running a 64-bit OS (Windows 10), and have a 64-bit CPU architecture, I couldn’t create a 64-bit VM. I could only select a 32-bit option from the dropdown menu.
Virtualbox Only Showing 32 Bit Amd
Great. Now not only will my VMs not boot, I can’t even select a 64-bit version. I was banging my head against the wall trying to figure this out. I thought back two days ago, trying to “retrace my steps”, remembering what I had done. Then, I remembered, when I began this entire process, I had initially enabled Hyper-V on my system. Could that be it? Could the two possible be fighting each other?
I went to “Control Panel”, then “Programs”, then “Windows Programs and Features”. Sure enough, Hyper-V was installed. I unchecked it, hit “OK”, and then gave it a shot. Opening VirtualBox, I tried adding a new VM, and I was greeted with this beautiful sight:
Virtualbox Only Showing 32-bit Windows 10
So now, I felt pretty stupid for deleting the first VM that I had created in the first place, because now I’ll have to recreate everything that I did in the first place, but that’s alright, I suppose. It was a good learning experience.
Virtualbox Only Showing 32 Bit Os
TLDR; Conclusion
If you’re having issues, make sure: